At this moment at IUS is happening promotion of the book titled: “B&H’s Commercial and Economic Relations with Turkey: The Status of B&H’s Economy and Recommendations for the Future”, prepared by two professors from IUS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmed Ganić & Assist. Prof. Dr. Azra Branković, and published by IUS. Editor of this book is Prof. Dr. Yücel Oğurlu.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part of this book analyzes the competitiveness of B&H, macroeconomic trends and business environment in lieu of key trends in developments of FDI inflows. In addition, this work analyzes the trade relations of B&H with EU countries, the bilateral trade relations between B&H and Turkey as well as legal and economic environment for foreign investments.
The second part is devoted to providing results of primary qualitative research. Personal interviews of Turkish companies investing in B&H regarding their experiences about doing business in B&H have been conducted in a period April-May, 2016.
This book is important as it collects experience of Turkish companies that operate in B&H and provides clear picture on advantages and disadvantages of investing in B&H. It provides also recommendation for future Turkish investors as well as government of B&H. This book could serve as a guide for Turkish investors and can be useful for Turkish embassy in order to provide guidelines for potential Turkish investors. It can be useful for governments at all levels to make reforms in the field of public administration in order to create favorable environment for foreign investment.
Special appreciation go to the Trade Attache Sedat Yildiz for his unconditional and unlimited support in the realization of this project.
Also, big thanks for attending go to Press Attache Omer Cetres, Religious Attache Hasan Atli, Educational Attache Vasi Ete and Hamza Dogan.