Faculty of Law students attended book promotion

Faculty of Law students attended book promotion

On Wednesday, 19th  October  2016, Faculty of Law students attended promotion of the book „Međunarodno humanitarno pravo“ of author Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zarije Seizović, that was held at the Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Sarajevo.

Book promoters were Assist. Prof. Dr. Goran Šimić (Faculty of Law, International University of Sarajevo) and Assist. Prof. Dr. Dženeta Omerdić (Faculty of Law, University of Tuzla). They both expressed satisfaction for this book being published since it represents very demanding topics of International humanitarian law in understandable way. This book is a textbook provided for students of Security and Peace Studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences but it can be very useful for students of other study programs as well.

Except of providing students with theoretical knowledge of high quality, the aim of the Faculty of Law is to introduce students with legal knowledge from practical approach. Attendance to scientific and academic meetings like book promotion, is one of the ways of accomplishing that aim. 
