IUS Students Represent BiH in MESA 10 University Debates

IUS Students Represent BiH in MESA 10 University Debates

International University of Sarajevo is again this year taking part in “Strengthening Democratic Values Among Youth” project of innovative online debates between the university students. MESA10, in cooperation with its partner, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies in Belgrade (CEAS), launched the continuation of the project that will include the university students from Serbia, Moldova, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro and Slovakia. The chosen students from IUS will again have a chance to go Belgrade and Slovakia, and then to Brussels representing Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As part of this project, on October 22, 2018, International Relations Office hosted online workshop in which the following International University of Sarajevo (IUS) students participated: Emir Ahmethodžić, Amina Aličić, Medisa Fočić, Merjem Brković and Vezirka Salčin.

Students from seven universities from Belgrade, Novi Sad, Chisinau, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Bratislava and Banská Bystrica had the honor to attend the workshop “EUROPE, WHERETO?” with Rastislav Káčer, Honorary Chairman of GLOBSEC, recognized expert in transatlantic relations, security and defense, former State Secretary of Slovakia’s Ministry of Defense, former Ambassador of Slovakia to the United States of America and Hungary.

The topics that were tackled during this workshop were the question of the multispeed Europe, the common European military, the concept of the past and future crisis and the possible challenges that our society will face, NATO – Russia relations and possibilities to increase EU’s democratic legitimacy and meaningful joint actions. Among these questions were the question of BREXIT and its possible outcome. On all these questions Mr. Rastislav Káčer was very helpful and was able to provide constructive answers on these issues, and what were his opinions on certain topics.

Inspired by the questions of students, Káčer pointed out that the EU is not perfect political system, but surely it is the best one that was ever created. It supports cooperation, competition, and collaboration. However, the substantial changes happening in our society is changing it to its core. We can detect that the rise of populism, extremism, growing hate, anger, and aggression are threatening our values. We need to look for new solutions how to adapt but these solutions must be adequate.

The workshop lasted around two hours, and in these two hours, many questions were raised and many explanations were given. This is a great project, in which the students have a chance to learn about the foundations of the European Union and the plans surrounding it, in order to reach unity and cooperation between all European states. Beside having a chance to learn more about European Union, students have a chance to travel and to meet students from other countries and universities, which is extremely beneficial.
