Assist. Prof. Dr. Goran Šimić participated at the conference in Oslo

Assist. Prof. Dr. Goran Šimić participated at the conference in Oslo

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law of University of Oslo organized on December 3th, 2016 an conference under title "Transitional Justice and the rule of law in post-conflict settings: Exchange of experiences and lessons learned between international and local experts". Main topic of the conference was rebuilding of the post-conflict societies, in particular experiences from countries of former Yugoslavia. Among other topics, huge importance was dedicated to the role of education in post-conflict settings. In that regard, Assist. Prof. Dr. Goran Šimić held lecture titled: "We raise generations of haters".

Using the Bosnia and Herzegovina education as example, Prof. Šimić showed how the students are very potent material that may be used in order to convince the people about the truth and facts of past events. Instead of using the opportunity of making an impact and influence the students in correct way, by providing objective, fair and correct information about the events, crimes, perpetrators and victims, educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina mainly "forgets", intentionally or not, that today's students are future leaders. To change that, it is necessary to include objective facts and interpretations into the study courses, with new courses like Transitional justice, that will contribute to the development of the "new Leaders", dedicated to the peace and mutual respect in our diversity.
