We share a story of our dear VACD alumnus, Zeynep Öztürk.
When I was about to start my university education, there were not many institutions offering visual arts program. However, I was determined to pursue my career in this field. Moreover, Sarajevo was my a “must see” city. So, in the end, I just ended up merging two of my dreams.
Sarajevo, being in the heart of Europe, introduced me to a different mindset and it definitely helped me expand my vision. Being instructed in English was another big plus.
I think choosing a field that feeds your curiosity and entertains you at the same time was a great fit for me. I believe that enjoying what you do makes it easier to deal with difficult situations. Also, nothing is permanent; hard work usually pays off and when an opportunity knocks on the door, it is important to be ready and well prepared.
Failure is a monster that sleeps under your bed. When you turn on the lights, it fades away. If you don’t keep going, it may come back again. But that monster can always be there and remain as a part of your life. That is normal. Humans make mistakes and fail; the important thing is not to kill your passion. That is what saves you at the end of the day.
I would advise students to build a strong network, build enduring friendships and maintain them as much as they can.