During the past week, the IUS Lifelong Learning Center hosted the 2nd Transnational Meeting (TNM) of the DC-VET WB project. The meeting summarized the previous one-year work on the project and presented plans for the next period.
DC-VET WB consists of five work packages which were analyzed during the meeting as follows:
- WP1 - State of the art of the project: activity updates, admin check of quality assessment.
- WP2 - Final piloting activities.
- WP3 - Discussion, and validation of the questionnaire on Skills gap analysis on inclusion, administration, and logistical organization of the seminar on social inclusion in Seinajoki, Finland, organized by Louvi, Vocational College.
- WP5 - Dissemination state of the art, brainstorming on 2024 activities and Workshop on Creation of networks of local stakeholders.
TNM ended with a visit to Secondary School Center Hadžići, where the friendly hosts introduced us to the work of this very successful educational institution.
Partners from the EU and the region had the opportunity to talk to students and employees of this school and visit classrooms for practical lessons.
You can find out more about the DC-VET WB project here.
Consejería de la Educación de Madrid - IES Pedro de Tolosa