BiH First Level Control Representative for Adrion Trainee Project Conducts Audit at IUS

Adrion project

The First Level Control representative of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Hanifa Ramović, paid a visit to the International University of Sarajevo (IUS) on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. The visit was part of the control process associated with the Adrion Trainee Transnational Master in Renewable Energy project, which officially concluded on September 30, 2023.

During her visit, Mrs. Ramović engaged with the Adrion Trainee project team, gaining valuable insights into the implementation of the project's activities. The meeting also provided an opportunity for her to learn more about IUS from Assistant Prof. Dr. Ismar Alagić, the Adrion Trainee Project Coordinator.

Expressing her satisfaction with the progress and outcomes of the project, Mrs. Ramović commended the International University of Sarajevo for its dedication and effective execution of the Adrion Trainee initiative. The project, focused on transnational collaboration in the initiation of the Master study program in renewable energy, aims to contribute to sustainable development, academic excellence, and innovation in the region.

The visit also shed light on the critical role of the First Level Control, responsible for verifying that co-financed products and services within the project scope have been successfully delivered. Additionally, the control ensures that expenditures declared by beneficiaries align with applicable laws and regulations.

It's worth noting that the Sector for Financing of the IPA Programmes and Projects (CFCU) of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury BiH has been identified as the representative authority for Bosnia and Herzegovina in this context. This underscores the government's commitment to overseeing and ensuring the proper utilization of resources in projects with a regional and transnational impact.
