Articulation agreement / Convention for a Double-Degree MBA between IUS and Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society

Articulation agreement / Convention for a Double-Degree MBA between IUS and Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society


IUS and Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) established mutual cooperation that offers respective students a possibility of two years of Master continued studies to acquire separate double-degrees in International Business management (MBA) requiring business- oriented and general education coursework.

Respecting this cooperation, students are offered to get the graduation in MBA Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre – International Business Management (from Germany) and in Master of Business and Administration (MBA) or Master in International Business (from Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The main principle of the agreement is that each program keeps its full autonomy in terms of student’s selection and learning outcomes. After students are being accepted at IUS or HWG LU, they become eligible to apply for the continuation of studies at the partner’s institution program (either IUS or HWG LU).

International initiatives and advising staff at HWG LU and IUS will work closely together and with participating students to ensure that appropriate coursework is completed and accepted upon transfer to HWG LU.

This agreement was signed by the rector of IUS Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yɪldɪrɪm and President of Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra, and is effective for four years.
