The 1st IUS Graduate Conference

The 1st IUS Graduate Conference

The 1st IUS Graduate Conference was held at International University of Sarajevo (IUS) in May 21st, 2015.This was a great opportunity for MA, MSc. and PhD candidates to share their experience, discuss the issues of their interest, present their studies and major findings.  Meanwhile, IUSGC 2015 is meant to be a platform for graduate students in arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and technical sciences where participants exchanged ideas in an international and interdisciplinary environment. IUSGC 2015 had focused on the wide range of topics related to arts, politics, sociology, history, culture, psychology, English language, visual arts, economy, management, genetics, architecture, biology and engineering sciences. After having conference presentation participants received feedbacks from distinguished researchers and academicians. 

During the opening ceremony, IUS Rector Prof. Dr. Yucel Ogurlu, welcomed the participants and wished successful conference for all. IUSGC chairman, Mr. Yasin Demirtas also gave a speech at the official opening of the conference. Keynote speakers at the conference were Prof. Dr. Rafik Beekun, from Nevada University, Prof. Dr. Metin Toprak, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojmir Sabolovič, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nudžejma Obralić.  During his speech, Prof. Toprak defined and clarified the professional and academic tracks in research, development and postgraduate studies; Prof. Sabolovič emphasized the innovations and new directions in research, while Prof. Obralić focused on the research findings related to the motivational triggers for academic achievement. 

During the 1ST  IUS Graduate Conference, 77 abstracts and 45 full papers were received from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Sweden, Ghana, Nigeria, Iran, and many other countries.  Evaluation of the papers was done by the Scientific committee according to the criteria which considered originality, quality of argument, positioning, and writing style. Best paper selection considering the quality of papers was done by the Advisory Board. The first, second and third prize winners were announced: 

1st place: Betul Ismic, Istanbul University, Turkey,

2nd place: Helga Dizdari, Lund University, Sweden,

3rd place: Kalin Kalinov, St. Kliment Ohridski University, Bulgaria.
